The Human Energy Field, the Aura, or Lightbody, is a manifestation of the Universal Energy Field. It consists of seven layers corresponding and interrelated with the seven main chakras (The Nadis System, smaller chakras/layers, are also part of the Auric Field). Universal energy is transmitted through the chakras, i.e. energy centers. Energy should flow easily through the various chakras and Aura layers. Personal well-being and health are integrated with the chakras and the Aura. Diseases originate first in the Aura and over time can manifest as a disease of the physical body. Energy flow can become blocked and unbalanced. Working to rebalance and remove blockages in an unhealthy aura opens the door for health restoration.
“It is important to open the chakras and increase the circulation of energy flow or life force because the more energy that is flowing, the healthier we are. Illness in the body is caused by energetic imbalances or blockages of the flow through the body’s systems. Reduced energy flow not only leads to illness and states of disease it creates distorted perceptions that allow us to be out of harmony with natural laws that interferes with experiencing life as our true authentic self.” Lisa Renee, Chakra, Ascension Glossary.
Spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical aspects of a person are intimately linked to each other and represented in the Aura and the chakras. Each chakra and every layer of the Aura has a specific function though they are blended and work as a cohesive whole. Because all systems are linked it is possible to work with the chakras and within the Aura without laying hands on the body.
A common expectation is that one would feel the results of a Reiki Treatment immediately. This is usually not the case. Unlike massage, CranioSacral or acupuncture, Reiki is more subtle. Though energetic effects do occur during the first and every session, they may or may not be felt, with varying results between clients, of course. It is important to remember that as complex, unique beings, healing is not achieved in a day, but sometimes occurs in baby steps, or giant leaps. Acceptance is essential. Be patient and kind to yourself. The Goal is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance and harmony. Love is the key.